
School Fete

We have a School Fete at St.Kilda Primary school.
I am so excited!
If you are interested about the Fete, 
here is the website for the fete http://www.stkildaprimaryfete.com.au.
The Fete is on Sunday the 27th of October.
You can buy a things what I made, 
like a sock monkeys, 
an arno cats, 
a felts, 
a rain drops, 
a hair ties, 
a bags and more more more!!!!!
See you at the Fete!

Flower Hair ties

I made a lot of hair ties!

Hoodie Woolf

I made other felties.

Rain Drop

I made the Rain Drop.
One side is Happy face and other side is Sad face.

Sock Monkey's clothes

I made clothes for the Sock Monkeys.
Looks like a kindergarden's kids!